How much retirement income may my 401(k) provide?

It may surprise you how significant your retirement accumulation may become simply by saving a small percentage of your salary each month in your 401(k) plan. Further, it may be useful to estimate your future monthly income generated by these savings and what that means in today's dollars.


Pay period frequency


By contributing 4.0% of your salary to your retirement plan you may accumulate a plan balance of 485,445 at retirement at an out-of-pocket cost of just 95,151.

401(k) analysis
Your contribution4.0%2000
Employer match3.0%1500
Your cumulative contributions95,151
Employer cumulative contributions71,363
Conservative (5%)
Moderate (8%)
Aggressive (11%)
Accumulation value at retirement348,147577,236993,833
Estimated monthly income at retirement2,5554,2367,292
Present value of monthly income adjusted for inflation1,8163,0115,184